Thank you for that sexy voice of yours... Hellooooo, when answering that phone!!!
Thank you for those glossy lips and those long curly black hairs
Thank you baby to be you, with your sexy curvy body that recall one of the sweet beverage called Coca Cola!
Thank you to make me feel alive again
Why ,life have to be so complicated when there is plenty of love to share
Yes,you will always be my secret love until the end of time
Don't cry ,don't feel bad...Life is good, it's us who has to make the choices
so we have the Life that we would like to have
Thank you again and thank God that you are part of my life in a secret way ,i must say!!!
Love is a great thing but when you look at that person in the eye,there is something that flow in your body that you don't have a explanation for it, just enjoy the moment and let the Joy, no let the Love flow in your blood!
Thank you for you to be in my life!